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Plug System MQS/MPQ

Plug System MQS/MPQ

In-line Plug 6-,8 Pin System MQS

- Press lock (1) in direction of arrow and slide plug forward.

- Press locking hook (2) downward and slide lock (1) out.

- Press down arrester hook (3) with screwdriver and pull out cable with contact towards rear.

In-line Plug 2 Pin System MPQ 2.8

- Press catch on outside in direction of arrow and remove towards top

- Press down arrestor hook (1) with screwdriver and pull out cable and contact (2) towards rear.

Control Unit Plug 25-, 35-, 55-,83-,88 Pin

- Remove phillips head screws (1) from connector. Gently pivot the connector plate (2) with seal (3) out of the connector shell.

- Remove seal (3) and pull connector plate lock (4) out of locked position.

- Using the appropriate sized spring contact and remove connector (5) from housing.

In-line Plug 24 Pin Hybrid System MQS/MPQ

Manufactured by AMP: The following contact types without strand sealing can be fitted in the plug housings:
MQS (Micro Quadlock System)
MPQ, width 2.8 mm (Micro Power Quadlock)
MPQ, width 5.2 mm (Micro Power Quadlock)

Socket Housing

- Press locks (1) on cap (2) upwards on both sides.
- Detach cap from contact carrier (3).

NOTE: Detaching the cap releases the secondary lock of the socket contacts.

- Hold down retaining hook (1) of socket contact carrier with a small screwdriver.
- Pull wire with socket contact in direction of arrow as tar as secondary lock (2) (Fig. 17/1)

- Hold down retaining hook in secondary lock (1) again and pull cable with socket contact (2) completely out of contact carrier (3). (Fig. 17/2)

Pin Housing

- Press locks (1) on cap (2) upwards on both sides.
- Detach cap from housing carrier (3) (Fig. 1 7/3).

NOTE: Detaching the cap releases the secondary locks of the pin contacts in the contact carriers.

- Pull contact carrier (1) out of housing carrier (2) (Fig. 17/4).
- The pin contacts are pulled of a contact carrier as described under "Socket Housing".

Socket Housing 42-,43 Pin Hybrid Systems MQS/MPQ

Manufactured by AMP: The following contact types without strand seating can be fitted in the socket housings:
MOS (Micro Quadlock System)
MPQ, width 2.8 mm (Micro Power Quadlock)
MPQ, width 5.2 mm (Micro Power Quadlock)

- Open secondary locks (1) on socket housing.
- Press back retaining hook of MQS contacts (2) with special tool 61 1 134 and pull out cable with contact.
- Press back retaining hook of MPQ contacts (3) with screwdriver or similar tool and pull out cable with contact.

- Bend open retaining hook of contacts gently before inserting into plug housing.
- To install contacts, observe cavity numbers on reverse side of socket housing.

Socket Housing 2x27-, 2x27 Pin Hybrid System MQS/MPQ, Elo/Elo Power

Manufactured by Amp: The following contact types without strand sealing can be fitted in the socket housings:
MQS (Micro Quadlock System)
MOS, width 2.8 mm (Micro Power Quad lock)
MPQ, width 5.2 mm (Micro Power Quadlock)

Manufactured by Siemens: The following contact types without strand sealing can be fitted in the socket housings:
Elo (electronic contact)
Elo-Power 2.8 mm wide (electronic contact for heavy loads)
Elo-Power 5.2 mm wide (electronic contact for heavy loads)

- Raise lock (1) on housing (2).
- Push contact carrier (3) from rear out of housing.

The second carrier is pushed out in the same way.
Pushing out the contact carrier releases the secondary locks of the secondary contacts.

Procedure for removing contacts are same as for other Elo/Elo-Power Systems, refer to those instructions.

In-line Plug 30 Pin Hybrid System MQS/MPO

Manufactured by AMP: The following contact types without strand sealing can be fitted in the plug housings:
MQS (Micro Quadlock System)
MPQ, width 2.8 mm (Micro Power Quadlock)
MPQ, width 5.2 mm (Micro Power Quadlock)

Socket Housing

- Raise lock (1) on housing (2).
- Push contact carrier (3) from rear out of housing (2).

NOTE: Pushing out the contact carrier releases the secondary locks of the socket contacts.

Procedure for removing contacts are same as for other Elo/Elo-Power Systems, refer to those instructions.

Pin Housing
- Contact1...13 and 19...27.

- Raise locking slide(1) on both sides (2) of housing and detach.

NOTE: Detaching the locking slide releases the secondary locks of the pin contacts.

- Contacts14...18 and 28...30.

- Pull slide (1) outward completely.
- Raise lock (2) on housing.
- Pull contact carrier out of housing.

NOTE: Pulling out the contact carrier releases the secondary locks of the pin contacts.

Socket Housing 5-, 8 Pin System MQS/MPQ

Manufactured by AMP: The following contact types without strand sealing can be fitted in the socket housings:
MOS (Micro Quadlock System)
MPQ, width 2.8 mm (Micro Power Quadlock)
MPQ, width 5.2mm (Micro Power Quadlock)

Socket housing 5 pin (Hybrid System MQS/M PQ)

- Raise fastener (1) (slide) by way of retaining lug (2) and detach from contact carrier (3).

Socket Housing 8 Pin (MQS)

- Raise fastener (1) (slide) by way ot retaining lug (2) and detach from contact carrier (3).

Procedure for removing contacts are same as for other Elo/Elo-Power Systems, refer to those instructions.

Socket Housing (Radio Plug) Hybrid system MOS/MPS

Manufactured by AMP: The following contact types without strand sealing can be fitted in the plug housings:
MQS (Micro Quadlock System)
MPQ, width 2.8 mm (Micro Power Quadlock)
MPQ, width 5.2 mm (Micro Power Quadlock)

Removing MPO contacts from radio plug:

- Press lock (1) in direction of arrow, detach secondary lock (2) from radio plug.
- Feed special tool 61 1 135 past side ot contact.
- Press special tool 61 1 135 in direction of arrow.

- Pull wire (1) with socket contact out of radio plug(2).

Removing MQS contacts from carrier

- Press lock (1) in direction of arrow and pull housing (2) out Of radio plug (Fig. 22/1).

- Press lock (1) in direction of arrow. Pull contact carrier (2) out ot housing (Fig. 22/2).

NOTE: When the contact carrier is pulled out, the secondary locks of the socket contacts are raised.

Procedure for removing contacts are same as for other Elo/Elo-Power Systems, refer to those instructions.

Removing MPQ contacts from contact carrier

- Remove contact carrier (1) with MQS contacts from radio plug. Raise lock (2) on radio plug. Pull contact carrier (3) out of radio plug (Fig. 22/3).

- Press lock (1) in direction of arrow. Pull secondary lock (2) in direction of arrow completely out of contact carrier (3) (Fig. 22/4).

- Press special tool 61 1 135 on inside of contact into contact carrier(2). Pull wire with socket contact (1) out of contact carrier (2) (Fig. 22/5).