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Continuity Testing

Continuity Testing

Continuity Testing:

The DVOM may have a separate setting for continuity testing.

When set for continuity testing the DVOM must never be connected in a live circuit.

The power source must be disconnected from the circuit being tested Any circuits wired in parallel with the circuit being tested must also be disconnected.

The DVOM uses its own internal power supply to test the continuity of the circuit.

Continuity testing verifies that circuit connections are intact. The continuity mode is extremely fast and is used to detect either shorts or opens that last as little as 1ms.

When a change is detected the beeper � tone is stretched to last at least 1/4 second so both shorts and opens can be audibly detected.

This is a valuable troubleshooting aid when diagnosing intermittent faults associated with wiring, connections, switches and other components of the circuit.

Typical Application of Continuity Testing

- Circuit Continuity.
- Intermittent Wiring Harness Faults.
- Select correct function and range of DVOM.
- Disconnect power to the circuit.
- Disconnect any circuits wired in parallel.
- Connect DVOM leads to the circuit to be tested.

NOTE: There must be NO current available to the circuit during the continuity test.

DVOM display will indicate continuity of circuit.