Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

00 00 610 Service - Engine Oil

00 00 610 Service - engine oil

- Renew engine oil and oil filter
- Brake in parking brake and check for correct function
- Reset CBS display according to factory specification

The job items specified below always pertain to the maximum possible scope of an engine oil service. These job items are coupled to the engine oil service.
The change interval (motor oil change multiplier) can be taken from the following matrix: The vehicle-specific scope must be read out via ISPA (Key Reader) and printed out.

- Renew microfilter
- Replace air filter element
Shorten change intervals accordingly for vehicles operated in dusty regions.
- Replace spark plugs
- Renew final drive oil
- Renew manual gearbox oil, clean oil strainer

IMPORTANT: not for twin-clutch gearbox.