Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

66 31 ... Replacing Screws on ACC Sensor Unit

66 31 ... Replacing Screws On ACC Sensor Unit

Necessary preliminary tasks:
- Remove ACC sensor

Perform a visual inspection of the sensor housing for damage/leaks.
If damaged, replace the ACC sensor housing.

Clamp sensor housing (1) on screw in vice (2).
Release the screw by twisting the sensor housing (2).

After releasing the screws, check the sensor housing (1) for damage again.
If damaged, replace the ACC sensor housing (1).

For more clarity, the graphic shows the ACC sensor holder removed.

Replace plastic nuts (1).

Carry out rough adjustment of ACC sensor (1) at adjusting screws (2).
- Measurement A [mm]: 42.5 to 43.5

After installation:
- Adjusting ACC sensor