Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Engine Cooling System Inspection

Inspect the hoses and replace if they are cracked, swollen or deteriorated.
Inspect all pipes, fittings and clamps; replace as needed.
Clean the outside of the radiator and air conditioning condenser. Inspect the front surface of the radiator and A/C condenser. Insects, leaves, debris, etc. can affect the performance of the radiator and A/C condenser.
If the front surface of either or both of these components is found to be in need of cleaning, the unwanted material can be removed by performing the following procedures:
- Ensure that the engine is off and cool.
- Blow compressed air through the radiator from the rear surface of the radiator toward the front of the vehicle.
- If compressed air is not available, use a water hose to force water through the radiator from the rear surface of the radiator toward the front of the vehicle.
To help ensure proper cooling system pressure performance, a pressure test of the cooling system and pressure cap is recommended at least once a year.