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New Vehicle Receiving and Inspection

In the current "GM VEHICLE RECEIVING AND INSPECTION MANUAL", under Item V, Vehicle Inspection, "Items Deserving Special Attention", dealers are instructed to inspect the battery at the time of vehicle receipt for a "Green Eye." If the green eye is not visible, the Dealer is to note the exception (using damage code 02366) on the Delivery Receipt. Additional copies of the GM Vehicle Receiving and Inspection Manual may be obtained free of charge through the GM Fulfillment Center at 1-800-269-5100.

Dealers are responsible for accurate diagnosis, testing, and proper charging prior to any battery replacement. If only charging is required to correct the problem, the Dealer is to submit a Transportation Claim with labor operation N0100. However, if a battery replacement is required and there is no apparent physical damage, the Dealer is to submit a Warranty Claim using labor operation N0110.