Case Cover, Drive & Driven Sprocket Supports
Inspection1. Inspect case cover for cracks or damage.
2. Inspect case cover machined surface for flatness.
3. Inspect case cover for interconnected passages.
4. Inspect cup plugs for damage or leakage.
5. Make sure 3rd accumulator exhaust pellet and spring and pressure relief valve and spring are in place.
6. Inspect drive sprocket support and support stator shaft spline for damage.
7. Inspect driven sprocket support for damage.
8. Inspect drive sprocket support oil seal rings. Do not remove them unless replacement is required. Drive and driven support housing assemblies are pressed into an removed with case cover. Do not remove them unless replacement is required.
1. If replacement of case cover or sprocket support is required, proceed as follows:
a. Remove remaining sprocket-support-to-case cover retaining bolts.
b. Using a plastic mallet, strike stator shaft of drive sprocket-support, see first image, and hub of driven sprocket-support, see second image, until they are removed from case cover bores. When driving the sprocket supports out of case cover, avoid damaging or distorting the stator shaft or ring grooves in hub of driven sprocket support.
c. Remove and discard sprocket-support-to-case cover gaskets.
d. Remove and inspect converter out check valve from pump cover, see image.
e. Check for interconnected passages.
Assembly & Installation
NOTE: Omit steps 1 through 5 if parts were not disassembled.
1. Install converter out check valve, with tanged end first into oil passages and coil remainder of valve with itself, see image.
2. Install drive sprocket support to case cover gasket, then install drive sprocket support into case cover by using a plastic mallet to seat the housing. Install flathead screws and use as guides.
3. Install driven sprocket-support-to-case-cover gasket, then install driven sprocket-support-to-case-cover retainer bolts for gasket guides.
4. Install driven sprocket-support into case cover by using a plastic mallet to seat the housing.
5. Install all but one driven-support-to-case-cover retaining bolt and torque to specifications.
6. Install the pressure regulator screen into case and the thrust washer onto hub of driven sprocket-support, locating tabs in case cover locating holes, and retaining with petroleum jelly.
7. Install oil seal rings into grooves in hub of drive support-sprocket, if removed. If seal rings are replaced, make sure slit ends are assembled in same relation as cut, see image. Also, make sure oil seal rings are seated in ring grooves to prevent damage to rings during reassembly of mating parts over rings.
8. Install case cover gasket and case cover assembly, then install retaining bolts and torque to specifications. If input shaft cannot be rotated as case cover is being bolted into place, the forward or direct clutch housing has not been installed properly to index with all the clutch plates. Correct this condition before case cover is pulled fully into place.
9. Check input unit endplay as described under "Transmission Disassembly, Overdrive Unit & Drive Link Assembly."