Pinion Gear: Service and Repair
1. Scribe reference mark between drive pinion and driveshaft yoke, then hold yoke with suitable tool and remove pinion nut and yoke. If yoke shows wear in the seal-to-flange contacting surface, the yoke should be replaced.
2. Install original pinion nut a few turns on pinion shaft, then using hammer and drift, tap pinion shaft out of pinion housing. Hold gear end of pinion shaft when removing to prevent it from falling from axle housing. On Corvette models, the pinion preload shims may stick to the pinion housing or the rear bearing during removal. These shims must be collected and kept together for use during reassembly.
3. Remove and discard pinion nut and collapsible spacer.
4. If being replaced, remove front and rear bearing races from pinion housing using drift positioned in race slots and hammer.
5. If rear pinion bearing is being replaced, remove using arbor press and adapters. Measure and record thickness of shim which is found under rear bearing.