Attachment 1 - DuPont Products
Painting ProcessSystem: Dupont Products
Paint Color Information: Corsican Silver WA EQ9283 Dupont # C9143, Sparkle Silver WA9967 Dupont # C9339
1. Wipe wheel with cleaning solvent: 3939-S, 3949-S or 3900-S.
2. Mask off tires.
3. Mask off all wheel mounting surfaces and wheel mount surfaces.
4. Apply two coats of 615/616-S etching primer to wheel allowing 10 minutes flash between coats. Allow to dry for 30 minutes before applying primer coat.
5. Apply URO 5000 primer 1220/193-S + accelerator 389-S using two coats at 65-70 PSI at the gun. Allow 12-15 minutes between coats. Force bake 30 minutes at 140°F (60°C).
6. Scuff sand using green Scotch-Brite pad.
7. Solvent wipe before top coating.
8. Apply IMRON 6000 base coat to wheel. 2-3 coats to hiding at 60-70 PSI allowing to flash between coats. Base coat needs to dry 20-30 minutes before clearcoat is applied.
9. Apply 3440-S clearcoat to wheel using two coats at 60-70 PSI. Flash 10-15 minutes between coats. 389-S can be used in basecoat and clearcoat to give faster set up times.
10. Allow overnight dry before reassemble. Can be baked for 30 minutes at 140°F (60°C).