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Replacing Lost Ignition Keys

Tool Required:
J 35628-A VATS/PASS Interrogator

To replace lost ignition keys it is necessary to determine the mechanical cut and the electrical key code.

The mechanical and electrical key codes are recorded on the vehicle invoice. If these codes are available, use them to create a new ignition key. If they are not, follow the procedure below.

The mechanical cut must be determined first. The mechanical cut can be determined from the key code on the ignition cylinder or from the original key "knock outs". If the mechanical cut cannot be determined, the ignition cylinder should be replaced. Make an ignition key blank with the correct mechanical cut to use while determining the proper electrical key code.

To determine the proper electrical key code, use J 35628-A and the following procedure:

^ Do not disconnect yellow two-way SIR connector.

1. Connect J 35628-A wiring to PASS-Key II dash connector at base of steering column. Do not connect to steering column wiring.

2. Turn J 35628-A on and place key code switch to "1" and attempt to start engine with proper mechanically cut key. If engine starts, key code is "1".

3. If engine does not start, turn ignition off and press 4-minute timer on J 35628-A.

4. When timer light goes out, place key code switch to "2" and attempt to start engine. If engine starts, key code is "2".

5. Continue trying different key codes until proper key code is found.

6. Make new ignition key with proper key code and mechanical cut.

^ Before connecting the Interrogator to the ignition lock cylinder circuit, always verify vehicle key code and set the code into the Interrogator using the "key code" knob. This will prevent programming an unprogrammed module with an undesired key code.