Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Compressor and/or Mounting Brackets

Air Conditioning Compressor

Remove or Disconnect

1. Recover refrigerant. Refer to "Refrigerant Recovery and Recycling, Adding Oil, Evacuating and Recharging Procedures" in this section.
2. Radiator fan upper shroud and radiator outlet hose and pipe.
3. Nut.
4. Hose from compressor.
- Plug open lines and ports.
- Discard seals.
5. Raise and suitably support vehicle.
6. Serpentine drive belt.
7. Drive belt tensioner.
8. Bolts/screws.
9. Nut.
- Use a 9/16 inch deepwell socket and 3/8 drive ratchet.
- If unsuccessful, remove right engine mount through bolt/screw and slightly raise engine for additional clearance.
10. Electrical connector at compressor.
11. Compressor.
12. Bolts/screws and brace if necessary.

Install or Connect

1. Polyalkylene glycol (PAG) refrigerant oil.
- If compressor is being replaced, drain refrigerant oil from both defective compressor and new replacement compressor. Measure amount removed from defective compressor. if measured amount is less than 30 ml (1 fluid ounce), add 30 ml (I fluid ounce) to new replacement compressor. if more than 30 ml (1 fluid ounce) is drained from defective compressor add same amount to new compressor. Use PAG refrigerant oil GM P/N 12345923 or equivalent.
2. Brace (29) and bolts/screws (28), if removed.
- Bolts/screws (28) to 25 N.m (18 lb. ft.).
3. Compressor (4).
4. Electrical connector at compressor (4).
5. Nut (27).
- Do not tighten at this time.
6. Bolts/screws (23 or 24).

A. Bolts/screws (23 or 24) to 50 N.m (37 lb. ft.).
B. Nut (27) to 41 N.m (30 lb. ft.).
7. Lower engine, if raised.
8. Engine mount through bolt/screw, if removed.
- Engine mount through bolt/screw to 95 N.m (70 lb. ft.).
9. Drive belt tensioner.
10. Serpentine drive belt.
11. Lower vehicle.
12. Seals (25) to hose (8).
- Coat seals (25) with 525 viscosity mineral base refrigerant oil GMP/N 12301108.
13. Hose (8) to compressor (4).
14. Nut (22).
- Nut (22) to 35 N.m (26 lb. ft.).
15. Radiator outlet hose and pipe, and radiator fan upper shroud, if removed.
16. Charge A/C system. Refer to "Refrigerant Recovery and Recycling, Adding Oil, Evacuating and Recharging Procedures" in this section.
17. Leak test fittings.