Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Distributor: Testing and Inspection

Ventilation System:

The numbers used below refer to image captions.

In the case of ignition system failure, check vacuum harness assembly (24) for proper hook-up and/or kinks. If OK, check the ventilation system for a possible restriction before removing the distributor assembly (1). Disconnect the vacuum harness assembly (24) at the air intake duct (25) and check for vacuum using a vacuum gauge. The gauge needle should slowly move towards manifold vacuum. If no vacuum is present, replace the vacuum harness assembly (24). Once it has been determined that the ventilation system vacuum harness assembly is functioning properly, disconnect the vacuum gauge and reconnect the vacuum hose to the air intake duct. Running the engine with manifold vacuum present in the distributor may lead to engine misfire.

CAUTION: Failure to connect all hoses of the ventilation system will eventually result in distributor assembly failure.