Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

69. Balance Shaft Installation

^ Tools Required
- J 8001 Dial Indicator
- J 21465 - 13 Drive Handle Extension
- J 36660 Torque Angle Meter
- J 36996 Balance Shaft Installer

1. Use J 21465 - 13 and J 36996 to install the balance shaft into the engine block.
2. Install the balance shaft bearing retainer.

Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.

3. Install the balance shaft bearing retainer bolts.
^ Tighten the balance shaft retainer bolts to 30 Nm (22 ft. lbs.).

4. Install the balance shaft driven gear.

Notice: Refer to Permanently Stretching Bolt Notice in Service Precautions.

5. Install the balance shaft driven gear bolt.
^ Tighten the balance shaft driven gear bolt to 22 Nm (16 ft. lbs.). Use J 36660 to tighten the bolt an additional 70 degrees.

6. Using J 8001 measure the balance shaft end play. End play must not exceed 0.028 mm (0.008 inch).

7. Using J 8001 measure the balance shaft radial play at the rear. Radial play must be between 0.0127 - 0.119 mm (0.0005 - 0.0047 inch).
8. Install the balance shaft drive gear.
9. Install the camshaft sprocket.
10. Turn the camshaft so the timing mark on the camshaft sprocket is straight down.
11. Remove the camshaft sprocket and balance shaft drive gear.
12. Turn the balance shaft so the timing mark on the balance shaft driven gear points straight down.
13. Install the balance shaft drive gear.
14. Align the marks on the balance shaft driven gear and the balance shaft drive gear. Do this by turning the balance shaft.
15. Turn the crankshaft so the number one piston is at top dead center.
16. Install the timing chain.
17. Install the camshaft sprocket.

18. Using J 8001 measure the gear lash at four places. Measure every quarter turn. Gear lash must be between 0.050 - 0.127 mm (0.002 - 0.005 inch).