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System Specifications

Front Brakes

Rotor Discard Thickness* 30.7 mm 1.21 in
Rotor Maximum Allowable Assembled Lateral Runout 0.06 mm 0.002 in
Rotor Maximum Allowable Scoring 1.50 mm 0.059 in
Rotor Maximum Allowable Thickness Variation 0.025 mm 0.001 in
Rotor Minimum Allowable Thickness After Refinish 31.08 mm 1.22 in
Rotor Thickness - New 32.2 mm 1.27 in

Rear Brakes

Rotor Discard Thickness* 9.0 mm 0.35 in
Rotor Maximum Allowable Assembled Lateral Runout 0.06 mm 0.002 in
Rotor Maximum Allowable Scoring 1.50 mm 0.059 in
Rotor Maximum Allowable Thickness Variation 0.025 mm 0.001 in
Rotor Minimum Allowable Thickness After Refinish 10.0 mm 0.39 in
Rotor Thickness - New 11.0 mm 0.43 in

* All brake rotors have a discard dimension cast into them. Replace any rotor that does not meet this specification. After refinishing the rotor, replace any rotor that does not meet the minimum thickness specification.t does not meet the minimum thickness specification.

The content of this article has been updated by manual update # 04-05-23-002A dated August 4, 2005 for Rotor Minimum Allowable Thickness After Refinish.