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Fuel Injector Circuit Diagnosis

The control module enables the appropriate fuel injector on the intake stroke for each cylinder. An ignition 1 voltage is supplied directly to the fuel injectors. The control module controls each fuel injector by grounding the control circuit via a solid state device called a driver.

- Monitoring the fuel injector circuit status with a scan tool, while moving the fuel injector harness, may help to isolate an intermittent condition.
- Performing the Fuel Injector Coil Test may help isolate an intermittent condition. Refer to Fuel Injector Coil Test. Component Tests and General Diagnostics
- For an intermittent condition refer to Intermittent Conditions. Diagnostic Strategies


Steps 1-6:

Steps 7-8:

The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the diagnostic table.
4. This step tests for a short to ground on the ignition 1 voltage supply circuit of the fuel injector.
5. This step tests for an open ignition 1 voltage supply circuit between the injector fuse and a fuel injector electrical connector.