Internal Gear Components
1. Remove output shaft to input shaft selective thrust washer, see image. This washer may be on the end of the input shaft.
2. Check reaction shaft endplay as follows:
a. Loosen J-26958 adjusting screw on output shaft, see image, and push output shaft downward.
b. Install post J-25025-7 and clamp assembly and gauge onto case, see image.
c. Install dial indicator J-8001 and plunger extension J-28667. Position extension against end of output shaft and set dial indicator to zero, see image above step 2b.
d. Move output shaft upward by turning adjusting screw on J-26958 until it stops, then read endplay. Reaction unit endplay should be .004-025 inch (0.10-0.64 mm). The selective washer controlling this end play is located between the input internal gear thrust washer and output shaft snap ring. If reaction unit end-play is not as specified in step 2 above, select washer as necessary to bring end play within specifications from chart in see image.
3. Remove output shaft to selective washer snap ring, then tighten tool J-26958 adjusting screw to remove snap ring, see image.
4. To remove input internal gear:
a. Remove input internal gear, reaction selective washer and tanged thrust washer, see image above step 3.
b. Remove reaction selective washer and thrust washer from input internal gear.
5. Remove input carrier assembly and input internal gear to input carrier thrust bearing assembly, see image. The input sun gear to input carrier thrust bearing assembly and race may come out as the input carrier is removed.
6. Remove input sun gear to input carrier thrust bearing assembly and input sun gear. This thrust bearing requires only one thrust race.
7. To remove input drum and reaction sun gear:
a. Remove input drum and reaction sun gear, see image.
b. Remove the 4-tanged drum to lo and reverse clutch housing thrust washer from rear of input drum or from lo and reverse clutch housing.
8. To remove lo and reverse clutch housing assembly:
a. Grind about 3/4 inch (20 mm) from end of a No. 4 easy out to remove cup plug assembly.
b. Using the easy out, remove housing to case cup plug assembly, see image.
c. Remove low and reverse clutch housing to case snap ring, see image.
d. Using tool J-28542, remove low and reverse clutch housing assembly by moving tool back and forth, see image.
e. Remove low and reverse clutch housing to case spacer ring, see image.