Steering Column - Removal and Installation
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Disconnect transmission linkage at lower shift lever.
3. Remove nut attaching intermediate shaft and column, then separate shaft from the column.
4. Remove column lower cover and lower fuse panel cover.
5. Remove lefthand A/C outlet duct.
6. Disconnect turn signal harness connector, park neutral switch, parking brake release hose and headlamp dimmer switch from column.
7. Remove clip retaining shift cable and loosen two upper support nuts.
8. Position carpet out of the way to gain access to the cowl insulator and seal fasteners.
9. Remove cowl insulator and cover seal.
10 Remove two upper column support nuts, then the column from vehicle.
Fig. 11 Steering Column Installation:
1. Install column in vehicle and finger tighten upper mounting bracket nuts, Fig. 11.
2. Install nut securing column to the intermediate shaft and finger tighten.
3. Connect transmission linkage to lower shaft lever.
4. Connect shift cable and securing clip.
5. Install cowl seal and finger tighten nuts and bolts.
6. Connect turn signal harness, park neutral switch, parking brake release hose and headlamp dimmer switch connectors.
7. Torque upper column bracket nuts to 20 lb ft, cowl cover seal nuts and bolts to 35 lb in and column to intermediate shaft bolt to 52 lb ft
8. Install cowl seal insulator, lefthand A/C outlet duct, lower fuse panel cover and steering column lower cover.
9. Connect battery ground cable.