Clearing Diagnostic Trouble Codes
CLEARING CODESThe trouble codes in the EBCM's memory are erased in one of three ways:
1. Diagnostic Request Line Procedure.
2. Tech 1 "Clear Codes" Selection.
3. Ignition Cycle Default.
The three methods are detailed below. Whichever method is used, be sure to verify proper system operation and absence of codes when clearing procedure is completed.
The EBCM will not permit code clearing until all of the codes have been displayed. Also, codes cannot be cleared by unplugging the EBCM, disconnecting the battery cables, or turning the ignition OFF" (except on an ignition cycle default).
Diagnostic Request Line Procedure
To clear codes via the ALDL diagnostic request line (terminal "H"), do the following:
1. Turn ignition 'OFF."
2. Attach ajumper to ALDL connector terminal "H".
3. Attach ajumper to ALDL connector terminal "A".
4. Connect jumpers to each other.
5. Ignition switch to "Run" (this will enable flash code diagnostics).
6. Disconnect jumpers for approximately 1 second then reconnect jumpers for no less than I second intervals taking them apart briefly between intervals. Repeat this action 4 times within 10 seconds, leaving jumpers connected upon completion of the 4th interval. Observe the "Antilock" indicator. Only Code 12 should be present. If not, trouble codes have not been properly cleared. Begin clearing procedures again beginning with Step 1.
Note: If codes are cleared, wait at least 15 seconds before turning ignition "OFF."
Tech 1 "Clear Codes" Procedure
Before clearing codes, check and note history code data, as this information will also be cleared.
Select the appropriate menu, and select the "Clear Codes" function. Verify that codes are cleared by using the Tech 1 to read ABS codes. If any are present, either the codes were not cleared, or an ABS fault still exists.
Ignition Cycle Default
If the vehicle power is cycled 100 times without a particular fault reappearing, that particular fault code will be erased from EBCM memory, and the ignition cycle counter inside the EBCM will be reset to zero.