Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Handling Sensors

Safe handling of steering wheel module requires adhering to following procedures for both live and deployed steering wheel modules.
Always wear safety glasses when servicing an inflatable restraint system vehicle and when handling a steering wheel module.
The following components cannot be repaired, as these components are serviced only by replacement.
1. Forward sensor
2. Arming sensor
3. Power supply
4. Diagnostic energy reserve module (DERM)
5. SIR control module
6. Coil assembly
7. Steering wheel module

Be careful when handling a sensor. This also pertains to the SIR control module which contains the passenger compartment sensor.
Never strike or jar a sensor in such a way that may cause deployment.
All sensors, the SIR system control module and the SIR control center mounting plate bolts must be carefully torqued to ensure proper operation.
Before servicing SIR system, wait 10 minutes after disconnecting battery voltage before servicing SIR system. This prevents accidental deployment and possible injury.