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Fig. 13 Power Steering Gear Mounting:

1. On models equipped with airbags, disable airbag system as described under MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES/AIRBAG SYSTEM DISARMING.
2. On all models, disconnect battery ground cable.
3. Disconnect pressure and return hoses from power steering gear. Position hoses in upward direction to prevent fluid drainage. Cap lines and fittings.
4. Disconnect intermediate steering shaft from steering gear stub shaft.
5. Disconnect Pitman arm from steering gear.
6. On models equipped with ABS brake systems, remove ABS modulator bracket attaching nut from steering gear.
7. On all models, remove steering attaching bolts and washers, then remove steering gear, Fig. 13.
8. Reverse procedure to install. Tighten attaching bolts to specifications.
9. Rearm airbag system as described under MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES/AIRBAG SYSTEM DISARMING.