Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Door Replacement - Rear

1. Remove the door trim panel.
2. Remove trim panel retaining block.
3. Remove the water deflector.
4. Remove the inner belt sealing strip.
5. Remove the outer belt sealing strip.
6. Remove the door lower weatherstrip.
7. Remove the door vent window and division channel.
8. Remove the door window weatherstrip.
9. Remove the door window up stop.
10. Remove the door window regulator and motor.
11. Remove the door window.
12. Remove the door upper sealing strip.
13. Remove the speaker.
14. Remove the inside door handle.
15. Remove the door lock.
16. Remove the door outside handle.
17. Remove the side door molding.
18. Remove the door check link.
19. Remove the door rubber conduit.
20. Remove the door.

1. Install the door.
2. Install the door rubber conduit.
3. Install the door check link.
4. Install the side door molding.
5. Install the door window.
6. Install the door outside handle.
7. Install the door lock.
8. Install the inside door handle.
9. Install the speaker.
10. Install the door upper sealing strip.
11. Install the door window.
12. Install the door window regulator and motor.
13. Install the door window up stop.
14. Install the door window weatherstrip.
15. Install the door lower weatherstrip.
16. Install the door vent window division channel.
17. Install the outer belt sealing strip.
18. Install the inner belt sealing strip.
19. Install the water deflector.
20. Install the door trim panel.