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47. Crankshaft and Bearing Installation

1. Install the crankshaft bearings to engine block.
2. Install the crankshaft sensor ring.
3. Install the crankshaft sensor bolts.
Use new crankshaft sensor bolts.

Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.

Tighten the crankshaft sensor ring bolts to 15 Nm (11 ft. lbs.).
4. Install the crankshaft to the engine block.
5. Apply Engine Oil Supplement (EOS), GM P/N 1052368, to the bearing surfaces.
6. Install the main bearings to the main bearing caps.
7. Apply RTV sealer, GM P/N 12345739 or equivalent, in the groove on the side of the fourth main bearing cap.

8. Install the main bearing caps to the engine block. Place the main bearing caps in numerical order.
9. Install the crankshaft bearing bridge.
10. Use new main bearing cap bolts or damage may occur when the final tightening is performed.
11. Install the main bearing cap bolts loosely.

12. Back off the crankshaft bearing bridge adjusting sleeves until the bushings do not contact the engine block when the bridge is fully seated.
Tighten the main bearing cap bolts to 50 Nm (37 ft. lbs.) on the first pass, 60 degrees on the second pass and 15 degrees on the third pass.
13. Adjust the crankshaft bearing bridge adjusting sleeves until the bushings firmly contact the engine block.

14. Install the crankshaft bearing bridge bolts (1).
Tighten the crankshaft bearing bridge bolts to 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.).