Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


1. The catalytic converter normally reaches operating temperatures of 650°C (1200 °F). DO NOT park the vehicle over any object or material that could ignite (i.e. dry leafs, cardboard, puddles of oil, or other combustibles). The catalytic converter will also stay hot for some time after the engine has been shut "OFF."
2. Parts of the exhaust gases (carbon monoxide) are toxic. DO NOT run the engine in confined areas or breath concentrated exhaust gases. Breathing toxic exhaust gases may cause loss of consciousness or even death.
3. Repair any leaks in the exhaust system as soon as possible. Hot gases escaping from the leak can ignite flammable materials and set the vehicle on fire.
4. Always be conscience of fuel odors and excessive tailpipe emission output (BLACK smoke etc...), these are problem indicators.