Ignition Timing: Description and Operation
Electronic Ignition (EI) System Description:
The Catera 3.OL V6 is equipped with a distributorless ignition system. The system has 2 ignition coil packs. One coil pack is for bank 1, cylinders 1, 3, and 5, and the other coil pack is for bank 2, cylinders 2, 4, and 6. Each coil pack contains 3 coils, one for each cylinder on the bank. At the end of each coil is a boot, which connects directly to the spark plug. This eliminates the need for a spark plug wire, and the result is more precise ignition timing.
The Engine Control Module (ECM) contains the ignition control module. The module precisely controls the ignition timing.
The Catera ignition system consists of 2 coil packs and the ECM. There is no separate ignition control module. The ECM performs all of the ignition control module functions. The ignition coil assembly is powered by an ignition feed circuit. The remaining three wires go to the ECM and are the Ignition Control (IC) circuits. The ECM causes a spark to occur by pulsing an ignition control (IC) circuit, which triggers an ignition coil and fires the appropriate spark plug. The sequencing and the timing are ECM controlled. The ECM uses input from the Crankshaft Position (CKP) sensor, the Camshaft Position (CMP) sensor and the Knock Sensors (KS) in order to appropriately control the ignition system.