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Sport Mode Switch/Indicator Always on or Inoperative

Circuit Description
With the engine running and the transmission in Drive 4, the Sport Mode Indicator Lamp should transition from On to Off or from Off to On with each press of the Sport Mode Selector Switch. The ignition voltage is supplied directly to the indicator bulb. The Transmission Control Module (TCM) controls the lamp by grounding the control circuit via an internal solid state device called a driver. The Sport Mode Selector Switch signal circuit is pulled up to B+ within the TCM. The other side of the switch connects to ground. When the switch is on, the signal voltage is pulled low. The TCM interprets this as sport mode requested. The Sport Mode selection causes the TCM to use a more aggressive shift schedule for improving performance and providing a more positive shift feel.

Diagnostic Aids
An intermittent may be caused by the following.
- Corrosion
- Rubbed through wire insulation
- Broken wire inside the insulation Refer to Symptoms in Powertrain Management for Intermittents.

Test Description
The number(s) below refer to the step number(s) on the diagnostic table.
7. If the other indicator lamps in the instrument cluster are functioning, the feed circuit is OK.