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Scan Tool Data Definitions - Instrument Panel Integration Module (IPM)

MODULE INFORMATION- PROM ID: The scan tool displays the module PROM ID.

MODULE INFORMATION- CALIBRATION ID: The scan tool displays the calibration or program revision level used in the PROM.

MODULE INFORMATION- JULIAN DATE OF BUILD: The scan tool displays the module date of build in total calendar days.

MODULE INFORMATION - YEAR MODULE BUILT: The scan tool displays the module year built.

MODULE INFORMATION - 8 DIGIT GM PART NUMBER: The scan tool displays the module GM part number.

MODULE INFORMATION - COMPONENT SERIAL NUMBER: The scan tool displays the module serial number.

NON-HVAC DATA-TRUNK RELEASE SWITCH: The scan tool displays the switch state.

NON-HVAC DATA-FUEL DOOR RELEASE SW.: The scan tool displays the switch state.