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Traffic Announcement (TA)

The TA feature provides the interruption of the audio in order to allow for the broadcast of a traffic announcement. Press ALT-TA in order to enable or disable the TA mode. When the TA mode is enabled, the TA light is ON. When the TA mode is enabled and the receiver is not currently tuned to a station broadcasting TA, the receiver seeks the next available station broadcasting traffic announcements. If no station is found, the receiver returns to the previously tuned station and cancels the TA mode. When tuned to a station that broadcasts traffic announcements, the TA light illuminates.

The following sequence occurs when a TA is detected:
1. If the TA is being referenced with EON, the receiver tunes to the referenced network. Only stations with an identical PI code to that of the reference network are accepted.
2. If a playback is in use, the receiver immediately switches the audio to the tuner and the playback device pauses.
3. The display indicates TRAFFIC ANNOUNCEMENT.
4. The volume sets to the greater of the following volumes:
^ The minimum default volume
^ The current listening volume
5 The volume is adjustable during the receipt of a traffic announcement. When the traffic announcement is complete, the previously selected functions are returned to the user set positions.