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Modular Fuel Sender - Fuel Level Sensor

Modular Fuel Sender - Fuel Level Sensor:

The modular fuel sender assembly mounts to a non-threaded locking ring (cam lock ring). The spring loaded reservoir, containing the exterior inlet strainer, electric fuel pump and pump strainer maintains contact with the tank bottom. This design provides:
^ Optimum fuel level in the integral fuel reservoir during all fuel tank levels and driving conditions.
^ Improved tank fuel level measuring accuracy.
^ Improved coarse straining and added pump inlet filtering.
^ More extensive internal fuel pump isolation for noiseless operation.

The modular fuel sender assembly consists of the following major components: A fuel sender cover assembly, a fuel sender, fuel pipes (above cover), a fuel sender support assembly, a fuel pump, a fuel pump strainer, a fuel pump reservoir, a fuel sender strainer, and a fuel level sensor assembly.