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14. Oil Pump, Upper Control Valve Assembly Removal

1. Using a small screwdriver, disconnect the following parts:
- The electrical connector from the automatic transmission fluid temperature sensor (350)
- The torque converter clutch solenoid valve (336)
- The pressure control solenoid valve (339)

2. Remove the 19 8-mm bolts (229, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 331) from the pump housings.

3. Remove the scavenge, the primary and the secondary pump assemblies as one unit (200-225).
4. Remove the pump gasket (228).

5. Remove the seven 8-mm bolts from the upper control valve body assembly.
6. Remove the following parts:
- The upper control valve body assembly (300)
- The spacer plate (327)
- The gaskets (326, 328)