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Scan Tool Data Definitions


8-Digit GM Part Number: The scan tool displays an 8 digit alphanumeric number. The part number of the module.

Antenna 1 Current: The scan tool displays OK/Not OK. Indicates if the current is in specifications.

Antenna 2 Current: The scan tool displays OK/Not OK. Indicates if the current is in specifications.

Antenna 3 Current: The scan tool displays OK/Not OK. Indicates if the current is in specifications.

Antenna 4 Current: The scan tool displays OK/Not OK. Indicates if the current is in specifications.

Antenna Receiving Audio: The scan tool displays which antenna is receiving the audio signal.

Antenna Receiving Video: The scan tool displays which antenna is receiving the video signal.

Audio Source: The scan tool displays which source is providing the audio.

Battery Voltage: The scan tool displays 0-25.5 volts. The voltage measured from the modules battery positive voltage circuit to the modules ground circuit.

Build Sequence Number: The scan tool displays the sequence of build of the radio.

Calibration ID: The scan tool displays 0-9999. The number designating what calibrations the radio contains.

CD Focus Error: The scan tool displays the number of focus errors that have been recorded.

CD Load/Unload Error: The scan tool displays the number of load and unload errors.

CD Spindle Servo Error: The scan tool display the number of spindle error recorded.

CD Type: The scan tool displays the type of CD loaded, audio or map CDROM.

Driver Number: The scan tool displays Driver 1-2. The memory position the driver has selected as received by Class 2 lines.

Engine Running: The scan tool displays wether the vehicle engine is running.

Ignition Cycles Since Last: The scan tool displays the number of ignition cycles since the last DTC was set.

Julian Date of Build: The scan tool displays 0-999. The month and year that the module was built.

Manufacturing Shift Inf: The scan tool displays the shift information for the build of the radio.

Manufacturing Site: The scan tool displays the site code where the unit was manufactured.

Phone: The scan tool displays wether or not a phone is present or not present.

Point of Sale: The scan tool displays the country the vehicle was sold in.

Program Phase: The scan tool displays what phase the unit was manufactured during

PROM ID: The scan tool displays 0-9999. The identification number of the radios internal PROM.

Radio Type: The scan tool displays what level radio is currently installed in the vehicle.

Region Code: The scan tool displays the region the radio is set for.

Software: The scan tool displays the software information installed in the radio

Software Release Type: The scan tool displays the release type of the software installed in the radio.

Sync Output: The scan tool displays Active/Inactive. Active if the TV is synchronized or inactive if it is not.

System Power Mode: The scan tool displays the current vehicle power mode, RAP, accessory, or run.

Total CD Hours; The scan tool displays 0-999 hrs. The total number of hours the CD player has been used.

Tuner Operating Mode: The scan tool displays the operating mode of the TV Antenna Module.

TV Tuner Low Voltage: The scan tool displays if the TV Antenna Module is receiving lower than acceptable voltage.

TV Tuner Sync Rate: The scan tool displays the refresh rate of the TV measured in hertz Hz).

TV Tuner Temperature: The scan tool displays if the TV Antenna Module temperature is high.

Video Interlock: The scan tool displays Active/Inactive. Active is displayed if the TV Antenna Module is receiving video or inactive if no video is received.

Video Output: The scan tool displays Active/Inactive. Indicates if video is being sent to the radio.

Video Source: The scan tool displays which source is providing the video.

VIN Position 12: The scan tool displays the twelfth digit of the learned VIN.

VIN Position 13: The scan tool displays the thirteenth digit of the learned VIN.

VIN Position 14: The scan tool displays the fourteenth digit of the learned VIN.

VIN Position 15: The scan tool displays the fifteenth digit of the learned VIN.

VIN Position 16: The scan tool displays the sixteenth digit of the learned VIN.

VIN Position 17: The scan tool displays the seventeenth digit of the learned VIN.

Year Module Built: The scan tool displays 1990-2020. The production year the module was manufactured.