Traction Off Indicator Always On
Traction Control Indicator Always On:
Traction Off Indicator Always On
Circuit Description
The Traction Oft indicator is controlled by the instrument cluster via serial data messages from the EBCM. When the RIM sees the traction control switch input grounded through the momentary traction control switch, it sends a serial data message to the EBCM that tells the EBCM that the traction control switch has been pressed. The EBCM then disables traction control and sends a serial data message to the instrument cluster to turn on the Traction Off indicator on the instrument panel. Each time the ignition is cycled from OFF to ON, the traction control system is enabled.
Test Description
The numbers below refer to the step numbers on the diagnostic table.
2. Use the scan tool to check the normal state of the Traction Off indicator control.
3. Ensures that the instrument cluster can operate the Traction Off indicator.