46. Cylinder Head Assemble
Cylinder Head AssembleTools Required
- J8062 Valve Spring Compressor - Head Off
1. Clean the cylinder head valve spring shim area.
Important: When using the valves and related components again, install the parts to their original location.
2. Install the valves (227 and 228) into the proper port. Refer to Separating Parts.
Important: The valve stem oil seal alignment and position on the valve guide is critical. An improperly installed valve stem oil seal may lead to excessive oil consumption, increased vehicle emissions, or component damage.
3. Install the valve stem oil seal (222).
4. Install the valve spring (223).
5. Install the valve spring cap (224).
6. Compress the valve spring using the J8062.
7. Install the valve stem keys.
7.1. Use grease to hold the keys in place and remove the J8062.
7.2. Ensure the keys seat properly in the groove of the valve stem.
7.3. Tap the end to the valve stem with a plastic faced hammer to seat the keys, if necessary.
8. Measure the valve spring installed height using a ruler.
Measure from the base of the valve spring to the top of the valve spring.
- If the installed height exceeds 46.25 mm (1.82 inch), install a valve spring shim of approximately 0.5 mm (0.02 inch) thick.
- Do not shim the valve spring to obtain less than the specified height.
Do not assemble the components without a spring shim on the cylinder head.
9. Install the remaining valves, springs, and other components.
10. Install sealant GM P/N 12346004 (Canadian P/N 10953480) or equivalent to the threads of the coolant sensor.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
11. Install the coolant sensor into the left cylinder head.
Tighten the coolant sensor to 20 Nm (15 lb ft).
12. Install the coolant plug to the right cylinder head.
Tighten the coolant plug to 20 Nm (15 lb ft).
13. Apply threadlock GM P/N 12345382 (Canadian P/N 10953489) or equivalent to the sides of the cylinder head expansion plugs (226).
14. Install the expansion plugs into the cylinder head.
A properly installed plug should be slightly below flush with the face of the head.