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Steering Damper Replacement

Steering Damper Replacement

^ Tools Required
- J 24319-B Universal Steering Linkage Puller
- J 29193 Steering Linkage Installer-12 mm

Removal Procedure

1. Raise the vehicle. Support the vehicle with safety stands.
2. Remove the engine protection shield, if equipped.

Important: Do not: reuse the nut.

3. Remove the steering damper (2) ball stud nut (1).

4. Remove the steering damper ball stud from the relay rod using the J24319-B.

Important: Do not reuse the nut.

5. Remove the steering damper mounting bolt (5) and the nut (6).
6. Remove the steering damper (4) from the vehicle.
7. Inspect the following parts:
^ The steering damper for leaks and damage
^ The mounting bolts and the nuts for damage or corrosion

Installation Procedure

1. Install the steering damper (4).
2. Install the mounting bolt (5) and a new prevailing torque nut (6).
3. Install the steering damper ball stud (2) to the relay rod (3).

Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Cautions and Notices.

4. Install the J29193.
5. Tighten the steering linkage installer in order to seat the ball stud in the relay rod.
^ Tighten the installer to 54 Nm (40 ft. lbs.).
6. Remove the J29193.
7. Install the prevailing torque nuts.
^ Tighten the steering damper mounting nut to 40 Nm (30 ft. lbs.).
^ Tighten the ball stud nut to 40 Nm (30 ft. lbs.).
8. Install the engine protection shield, if equipped.
9. Lower the vehicle.