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Transfer Case Identification

Transfer Case Identification (New Venture Gear)

NVG 900

1 - Position of Pin Stamp
2 - P = Unit Passed End-of-Line Tests
3 - Month, Day and Year the Unit was Built
4 - Serial Number/Unit Number on Build Date

Transfer Case Identification (Borg Warner)

An identification tag is attached to the front half of the transfer case. The tag provides the following information:
^ Model number (1)
^ Manufacturer (2)
^ Part Number (3)
^ Serial Number (4)
The information on this tag is necessary for servicing the transfer case. If the tag is removed or becomes dislodged during service operations, keep the identification tag with the unit.


Transfer Case Identification (Isuzu T150)

1 - Bar Code Location
2 - Broadcast Code
2 - Broadcast Code
3 - Isuzu Transfer Part Number
4 - G/M Transfer Part Number
5 - Bar Code
6 - Product Serial Number
7 - Supplier Code
8 - Product Code