Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

51. Crankshaft Balancer Cleaning and Inspection

Crankshaft Balancer Cleaning and Inspection

Cleaning Procedure

1. Clean the crankshaft balancer in solvent that is compatible with the rubber.

Caution: Refer to Safety Glasses Caution.

2. Dry the crankshaft balancer with compressed air.

Inspection Procedure

1. Inspect the exterior of the crankshaft balancer for the following:

* Damage to the webs (1) between the hub and the drive belt inner pulley
* Damage to the threaded holes (2)
* Damage to the seating surface (3) for the crankshaft balancer bolt's washer
* Wear or damage to the hub-to-crankshaft surface (4)
* Wear, chunking or deteriorated rubber (5) between the drive belt inner and outer pulleys
* Damage to the drive belt inner and/or outer pulley ribs (6)

2. Inspect the interior of the crankshaft balancer for the following:

* Wear or damage to the hub-to-crankshaft surface (1)
* Wear, grooves or damage to the hub sealing surface (2). A crankshaft balancer hub sealing surface with excessive scoring, grooves, rust or other damage must be replaced.
* Bent, damage or missing crankshaft front oil seal shield (3)
* Wear, chunking or deteriorated rubber (4) between the drive belt inner and outer pulleys
* Damage to the drive belt inner and/or outer pulley ribs (5)

3. Repair or replace the crankshaft balancer as necessary.