Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Front Suspension

Lower Control Arm Replacement (AWD)

Tools Required

J 43631 Ball Joint Separator

Removal Procedure

1. Raise and support the vehicle. Refer to Vehicle Lifting.
2. Remove the tire and wheel.
3. Remove the air deflector.

4. Remove the stabilizer shaft link lower nut (1).
5. Remove the stabilizer shaft link from the lower control arm.
6. Remove the ABS wire harness from the lower control arm.

Notice: The ball stud must not rotate during disassembly or reassembly. Hand tools must be used to keep the ball stud from rotating. If air tools are used and the stud is allowed to rotate, damage to the ball stud and/or stud mounting hole may occur.

7. Remove the lower ball joint nut (2).
8. Use the J 43631 to separate the ball joint stud from the steering knuckle.

9. Remove the shock yoke nut (1).
10. Remove the yoke from the stud on the lower control arm.

Important: Raise the power steering gear to provide clearance when removing the rear lower control arm to frame retaining bolt.

11. Loosen the power steering gear retaining bolts and raise the power steering gear.

12. Remove the lower control arm to cradle nuts (1).
13. Remove the lower control arm to cradle bolts (2).
14. Remove the lower control arm (3) from the vehicle.

Installation Procedure

1. Position the lower control arm (3) to the vehicle.
2. Install the lower control arm to cradle bolts (2).

Important: Tighten the lower control arm bolts and nuts with the lower control arm at normal vehicle ride height.

Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice.

3. Install the lower control arm to cradle nuts (1).

Tighten the nuts to 135 N.m (96 lb ft).

4. Tighten the power steering gear retaining bolts.

Tighten the bolts to 120 N.m (89 lb ft).

5. Install the shock module yoke to the lower control arm nut (1).

Tighten the nut to 180 N.m (133 lb ft).

Notice: The ball stud must not rotate during disassembly or reassembly. Hand tools must be used to keep the ball stud from rotating. If air tools are used and the stud is allowed to rotate, damage to the ball stud and/or stud mounting hole may occur.

6. Install the lower control arm ball joint nut (1).

1. Tighten the nut to 20 N.m (15 lb ft).
2. Tighten the nut to an additional 180 degrees.

7. Install the ABS wire harness to the lower control arm.
8. Install the stabilizer shaft link to the lower control arm.
9. Install the stabilizer shaft link lower retaining nut (1).

Tighten the nut to 110 N.m (81 lb ft).

10. Install the air deflector.
11. Install the tire and wheel.
12. Lower the vehicle.
13. Check the front end alignment. Refer to Measuring Wheel Alignment.