Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

52. Oil Pump Cleaning and Inspection

Oil Pump Cleaning and Inspection

* The internal components of the oil pump assembly are not serviced separately. If the oil pump components are worn or damaged, replace the oil pump as an assembly.
* The oil pump pipe and screen are to be serviced as an assembly. Do not attempt to repair the wire mesh portion of the pump and screen assembly.

1. Clean the components in solvent.
Warning: Refer to Safety Glasses Warning (Safety Glasses Warning).

2. Dry the components with compressed air.
3. Inspect the oil pump housing (413), housing (458), and the housing cover (409) for cracks, excessive wear, scoring, or casting imperfections.
4. Inspect the oil pump base-to-engine block oil gallery surface for scratches or gouging.
5. Inspect the oil pump base for damaged bolt hole threads.
6. Inspect the pump slide (412) for excessive wear, scoring, or gouges.
7. Inspect the oil pump internal oil passages for restrictions.
8. Inspect the oil pump rotor (456) and vanes (457) for cracks, wear, or damage.
9. Inspect the oil pump slide spring (416) for breakage.
10. Inspect the oil pump slide (412) and slide seal (414) for cuts or damage.

11. Inspect the oil pump screen (407) for debris or restrictions.
12. Inspect the oil pump screen for broken or loose wire mesh.