Transfer Case Shift Control Switch Inoperative
Transfer Case Shift Control Switch Inoperative
Diagnostic Instructions
* Perform the Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle (Diagnostic System Check - Vehicle) prior to using this diagnostic procedure.
* Review Strategy Based Diagnosis (Strategy Based Diagnosis) for an overview of the diagnostic approach.
* Diagnostic Procedure Instructions (Diagnostic Procedure Instructions) provides an overview of each diagnostic category.
Circuit/System Description
The active transfer case mode switch circuit consists of 5 modes. The transfer case shift control module supplies 5 volts to the switch through the 5-volt reference circuit. The current travel through the resistor of the currently active mode. The current is then returned to the transfer case shift control module through the switch signal circuit.
The transfer case shift control module constantly monitors this signal voltage to determine the condition of the mode switch circuit.
When each of the modes are selected they complete a circuit through their own specific resistor. The transfer case shift control module continuously monitors the switch input to determine whether the Neutral, AWD, 2HI, 4HI, or 4LO mode was selected by the driver.
Reference Information
Schematic Reference
Transfer Case Control Schematics (MP 3023/3024-NQH - Transfer Case)
Connector End View Reference
Component Connector End Views (Connector Views)
Electrical Information Reference
* Circuit Testing (Circuit Testing)
* Connector Repairs (Connector Repairs)
* Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections (Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections)
* Wiring Repairs (Wiring Repairs)
Scan Tool Reference
Control Module References (Programming and Relearning) for scan tool information.
Diagnostic Aids
If the 5-volt reference or the switch signal wire are shorted to ground the scan tool can show up to 7.5 volts.
Circuit/System Testing
1. Review the scan tool data list mode switch selected and select difference mode with the transfer case shift control switch. Does the mode switch selected parameter on the scan tool change as you change modes on the switch?
2. If the modes change according to the scan tool replace the transfer case control module, reprogram, complete the motor learn procedure. If the modes on the scan tool not change replace the switch.
Repair Instructions
Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification (Verification Tests) after completing the diagnostic procedure.
* Transfer Case Shift Control Switch Replacement (Without SLT) (Service and Repair)
* Control Module References (Programming and Relearning) for TCSCM replacement, setup, and programming
* Transfer Case High/Low Clutch Reset (Transfer Case High/Low Clutch Reset)