Trouble Code Memory (Carbureted Models)
If a fault is detected in the C-3 system the Check Engine or Service Engine Soon light will come on and a trouble code will be set in memory.
If the problem is intermittent, the Check Engine light will go out approximately 10 seconds after the problem clears up.
The trouble code will be stored in ECM memory until voltage to ECM terminal "R" is removed for approximately 10 seconds.
- This can usually be accomplished by removing the ECM fuse--in the fuse block.
- In some cases it may be easier to disconnect the negative battery terminal--however doing so will also erase radio, clock and Trip Computer programming.
If a trouble code is obtained--when the Check Engine light is off and the engine is running--determine whether the problem is intermittent or the engine must be at certain operating conditions to turn the Check Engine light ON.
- For instance trouble codes 13, 24, 44, and 45 require engine operation at part throttle for at least 5 minutes before the Check Engine light will come on.
- Likewise a problem indicated by a trouble code 15 requires 10 minutes of engine operation before the Check Engine light will come on.
NOTE: If any other trouble code is stored and the "Check Engine" light remains OFF, do not use the Trouble Code Test Charts for these codes--since the system is operating properly at the time. A System Performance Check and a thorough physical inspection of the circuit involved should be carried out if any of these codes are evident. Repair as necessary.
Loss Of Trouble Code Memory Check
1. Ground the dwell lead for at least 10 seconds with the "test" lead left ungrounded.
- A code 23 should be stored after the engine is stopped and the ignition is turned to "run".
- If this is not achieved the ECM is faulty.