Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Warner 83 mm 4 Speed

1. Install drain plug in transmission case.

2. Install thrust washer and front section of reverse idler gear with hub facing rear and position gasket on rear of transmission case.

3. Position synchronizers in neutral and install mainshaft in case. Install retainer locating pin and torque retainer lock bolt to 25 ft. lbs.

4. Tap main drive gear bearing into case using suitable tool, pull drive gear shaft forward, and tap bearing again until bearing bottoms on main drive gear and the washer and snap ring can be installed on main gear drive shaft.

5. Install main drive gear bearing retainer and gasket, apply sealer to bolts and torque to 18 ft. lbs.

6. Install rear reverse idler gear, engaging splines with front section.

7. Install reverse sliding gear with hub facing rear, then install the speedometer gear and two snap rings on mainshaft.

8. Position gasket on rear bearing retainer and, install thrust washer on reverse idler shaft in extension housing.

9. Rotate reverse shifter shaft until fork is in full forward position, then with synchronizer sleeves in neutral, slide extension housing over mainshaft. Guide reverse idler shaft into reverse idler gears, engaging fork on collar, then position shifter shaft in neutral.

10. Rotate reverse shifter shaft clockwise and push extension housing forward, aligning rear bearing retainer locating pin with extension housing. Apply sealer to bolts and torque long bolts to 40 ft. lbs., short bolts to 25 ft. lbs.

11. Install reverse shifter shaft lock pin.

12. Shift transmission into 2nd gear. The front synchronizer sleeve should be in neutral and the rear sleeve in forward p9sition to engage 2nd gear synchronizer teeth.

13. Position slide cover and gasket to transmission case and index shift forks to shift collars, then install and torque side cover bolts to 18 ft. lbs.