1. Align tang on pump rod with slot on throttle lever, then install pump rod. End of pump rod should face outward toward throttle lever.
2. Install idle mixture needles, washers and springs, if removed. Turn each needle in until lightly seated, then back out approximately 2 to 3 turns.
3. Position throttle body to float bowl gasket on the two dowels located on the float bowl.
4. Position throttle body on float bowl dowels, then install four mounting screws. Tighten mounting screws alternately and evenly.
5. Position carburetor on a suitable holding fixture.
6. Install fuel filter spring, new gasket and nut. Torque nut to 18 ft. lbs. on 1982-85 models, or 46 ft. lbs. on 1986-88 models. Hole in fuel filter should face toward inlet nut.
7. Install cup seal into fuel bowl insert for intermediate choke shaft, with lip of seal facing outward.
8. On models equipped with hot air choke, install cup seal into choke housing shaft bore, with lip of seal facing inward toward float bowl.
9. Position fast idle cam on choke intermediate shaft with steps of cam facing downward.
10. Carefully install fast idle cam and intermediate choke shaft assembly into choke housing. Place thermostatic coil lever on intermediate choke shaft flats. Thermostatic choke coil lever is properly positioned when both inside and outside levers face toward fuel inlet. Install and tighten inside lever to choke intermediate shaft attaching screw.
11. Position lower choke rod lever into cavity in float bowl.
12. Install choke housing to float bowl, sliding intermediate choke shaft into lower choke rod lever. Use tool No. BT-6911 or equivalent to hold choke rod lever in position when installing choke housing. Intermediate choke shaft lever and fast idle cam are properly positioned when tang on lever is located below fast idle cam.
13. Insert vacuum break rod into slot on rear vacuum break plunger.
14. Position rear vacuum break and bracket assembly to float bowl, then install and tighten the two retaining screws.
15. Position accelerator pump discharge check ball and retainer into passage located in float bowl next to pump well. Install and tighten retainer attaching screw.
16. Using tool No. BT-7928 or equivalent, carefully install main metering jets, if removed.
17. Position mixture control solenoid large tension spring over boss at bottom of fuel bowl.
18. Using tool No. BT-3006M or equivalent, install needle seat assembly and gasket.
19. Carefully bend float arm upward at notch, before installing. This will make adjustment easier.
20. Assemble float needle to float arm, by sliding float lever under float needle clip. Hook float needle pull clip over edge of float on float arm, facing float pontoon. Do not install float needle pull clip into holes on float arm.
21. Install float hinge clip to float arm, with loop of clip facing toward pump well.
22. Align needle in seat and float hinge clip to locating channels in float bowl, then install float assembly.
23. Adjust float level as described under ``On-Vehicle Adjustments.''
24. Install plastic cup insert located below mixture control solenoid connector into float bowl cavity, if equipped. Notch on plastic cup insert should face toward notched section in float bowl casting.
25. Position lean mixture screw tension spring between raised bosses located next to float hanger clip.
26. Align pin end of mixture control solenoid with hole in raised boss at bottom of float bowl, then carefully lower solenoid into float chamber. Locate solenoid connector wires in slot on plastic insert.
27. Install lean mixture screw through hole in solenoid bracket and tension spring. Turn lean mixture screw clockwise until lightly bottomed in bowl, using a suitable wrench. Back lean mixture screw out the number turns noted during disassembly.
28. With mixture control solenoid wires located in notch on plastic insert, install connector retaining screws. Use care not to overtighten retaining screws.
29. Position throttle position sensor return spring in bottom of well of float bowl.
30. Position throttle position sensor and connector assembly in float bowl. Align groove in wire connector with slot in float bowl, then push downward on connector and sensor to locate wires below bowl casting surface.
31. Position plastic filler block over float valve, then push downward on filler block until properly seated.
32. Install return spring on metering rod. Small end of spring must be against shoulder on metering rod.
33. Carefully insert metering rod and spring through holes in plastic filler block, then lower metering rods into jets.
34. Position accelerator pump return spring in pump well, then install pump plunger assembly.
35. While holding accelerator pump plunger against return spring tension, install air horn gasket. When installing gasket, position holes in gasket over pump plunger stem, throttle position sensor, metering rods, solenoid attaching screws and wire connector. Place gasket over the two dowels located on the float bowl casting.
36. Position large rubber seal over mixture control solenoid connector.
37. While holding air horn gasket and pump plunger down, install solenoid metering plunger in solenoid, align slots in end of plunger with solenoid attaching screw. Ensure plunger arms are engaged with top of each metering rod.
38. Position pump plunger stem seal and retainer on air horn casting, with lip of seal facing upward toward top of air horn. Lightly stake retainer in three locations other than original stakings.
39. Position throttle position sensor plunger seal and retainer on air horn casting, with lip of seal facing upward. Lightly stake retainer in three locations other than original stakings.
40. Using tool No. BT-7967A or equivalent, install rich mixture stop screw from bottom of air horn casting, if removed. Turn rich mixture stop screw in until lightly bottomed in air horn. The rich mixture stop screw must be adjusted with carburetor installed on vehicle.
41. Install idle air bleed valve, if removed, as follows:
a. Install O-rings on valve body. Position thicker O-ring in first groove and thinner O-ring in second groove. Coat O-rings with silicone oil to aid installation.
b. Position idle air bleed valve in air horn casting, then using a suitable screwdriver, turn bleed valve clockwise until lightly seated in bore.
c. Back idle air bleed valve out from the bottomed position four turns. Final adjustment of bleed valve is performed with carburetor installed on vehicle.
Fig. 4 Air horn retaining screw tightening sequence. E2MC & E2ME units:
42. Carefully position air horn over float bowl, guiding pump plunger stem through air horn seal and throttle position sensor adjustment lever onto sensor. To aid installation, insert a suitable screwdriver between air horn gasket and float bowl to raise throttle position sensor adjustment lever over sensor. Ensure pull over enrichment tubes are properly positioned through holes in air horn gasket.
43. Install and tighten in sequence, Fig. 4, air horn to float bowl attaching screws.
44. Install front vacuum break and bracket assembly.
45. If equipped, install throttle position sensor actuator plunger in air horn. Carefully push plunger through seal in air horn until seated against throttle position sensor stem. Check to ensure plunger moves freely.
46. Position pump rod into specified hole in pump lever, which was noted during disassembly.
47. Using a suitable punch, align holes in pump lever and air horn casting. With diagonal pliers, pry roll pin in only enough to allow a thin bladed screwdriver to be inserted between roll pin and air cleaner casting on air horn. Push roll pin through casting and lever until flush with air horn casting surface.
48. Connect choke rod to lower choke lever located inside bowl cavity, then install choke rod into slot on upper choke lever. Position upper choke lever on end of choke shaft. Install upper choke lever to choke shaft attaching screw.
49. Install thermostatic cover and coil assembly after completing vacuum break, fast idle cam and choke coil lever adjustments. On models with electric choke, do not install gasket between cover and choke housing.
50. Connect vacuum hoses to vacuum break assemblies.
51. Install solenoid bracket assembly or wide open throttle switch to float bowl casting.