Vehicle - Fluid Leak Detection
86chevy11Number: 86-83
Section: 0A
Date: May, 1986
Model and Year: ALL MODELS
When customer vehicles are brought in for fluid leeks from the engine, transmission, cooling system, etc., locating the source of the leak can be challenging.
If the leak is a result of a porous casting, a split seal, or a small pin hole in a hose for example, the source of the loak can be located faster and more accurately with the use of a special fluid additive and a "high intensity" ultraviolet (UV) black light.
These special additives (Dyes) car. be added to any mineral based fluid such as engine oil, transmission fluid, engine copolant, power steering and real axle oil. These special dyes do not harm any GM recommended fluids and usually dissipate after approximately 300 miles of use.
When the dyes are added to the fluid and properly mixed together (done by normal driving) and then exposed to tbe black light, the fluid glows a bright yellow or bright green. This allows the source of the leak to be pinpointed, leading to reliable leak correction, There are both "low intensity" and "high intensity" black lights available. The "high intensity" light is preferred, as it has a more concentrated light beam.
"High intensity" black lights are available from several sources, including Kent Moore Tool (J-28428-A) and the GM Tool Equipment Program (#041-00001).
Additives (Dyes) are also available from Kent Moore
J-28431 - Suitable for engine oil, transmission oil, P/S fluid, and rear axle oils.
J-29545 - Used in engine coolant only.
The additives are shipped in a box of 24 one-ounce tubes.