Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Suspension - Chassis Lubrication Importance

File In Section: 00 - General Information

Bulletin No: 00-00-90-001

Date: November, 2000


The Importance of Chassis Lubrication

2001 and Prior Passenger Cars and Trucks

An Explanation of Required Lubrication
It is important to note that many General Motors trucks and sport utility vehicles do not have the "lubed for life" suspension systems that are becoming common on the passenger cars. It is vital to the longevity of the suspension components that proper lubrication be received at the specified intervals. Extra attention should be given to the ball joints to assure they receive regular greasing.

A Visual Inspection is Not Enough

Many combinations of grease fittings and sealed components may be found on the chassis of General Motors vehicles. The lubrication required for each vehicle can be located in the Maintenance and Lubrication sub-section of General Information in the Service Manual. This section outlines all lubrication required for the vehicle and also provides chassis diagrams of grease points. Please refer to the maintenance schedule for the recommended service intervals.
