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Automatic Transmission

1. Negative battery cable.
2. Drain coolant.
3. Recover refrigerant if equipped with AC.
4. Heater hose at thermostat housing.
5. Radiator inlet (upper) hose.
6. Air cleaner duct.
7. Upper radiator support.
8. Coolant fan.
9. If A/C equipped, compressor/condenser hose assembly at compressor and discard "0" rings.
10. Two vacuum hoses from front of engine.
11. Electrical connections from:
- Generator
- A/C compressor, if equipped
- Injector harness
- Idle Air Control (IAC) and Throttle Position Switch (TPS) at throttle body
- Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor
- Intake Air Temperature (IAT) sensor
- Vacuum purge solenoid
12. Electrical connections from starter solenoid.
13. Ground connections and negative battery cable from transaxle.
14. Electrical connections from:
- Starter solenoid
- Ignition coil and module assembly. (2)
- Two (2) coolant temperature sensors
- Oil pressure sensor/switch
- Throttle actuator pressure switch
- Knock sensor
- Oxygen sensor
- Crankshaft position sensor
- Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS)
- Park/Neutral position switch
15. Power brake vacuum hose from throttle body.
16. Power brake vacuum tube to check valve hose from tube.
17. Throttle cable and bracket.
18. Power steering pump rear bracket.
- Remove bracket and power brake vacuum tube as an assembly.
19. Power steering pivot bolt, pump, and drive belt. Position pump aside with lines attached.

WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire and personal injury, it is necessary to relieve the fuel system pressure before servicing fuel system components.

After relieving system pressure, a small amount of fuel may be released when servicing fuel lines or connections. In order to reduce the chance of personal injury, cover fuel line fittings with a shop towel before disconnecting, to catch any fuel that may leak out. Place the towel in an approved container when disconnect is completed. Refer to Fuel Pressure Relief.

20. Fuel lines.
21. Shift and Throttle Valve (TV) cables.
22. Transaxle cooler pipes.
23. Exhaust manifold and heat shield. Refer to Exhaust Manifold. Exhaust Manifold
24. Radiator outlet (lower) hose from radiator.
25. Install J 28467-A or equivalent engine support fixture.
26. Right engine mount.
27. Raise the vehicle.
28. Front wheel and tire assemblies.
29. Right lower splash shield.
30. Radiator air deflector.
31. Separate ball joints from steering knuckles.
32. Support suspension support, crossmember, and stabilizer shaft with suitable holding fixture and remove suspension support retaining bolts.
33. Remove suspension supports, crossmember, and stabilizer shaft as an assembly.
34. Heater outlet hose from radiator outlet pipe.
35. Axle shafts from transaxle.
36. Position suitable support below engine and lower car onto support.
37. Engine mount strut and transaxle brackets.
38. Mark threads on support fixture hooks so that the setting can be duplicated when reinstalling engine. Remove engine support fixture.
39. Raise vehicle slowly off engine and transaxle assembly.
- It may be necessary to move the engine/transaxle assembly rearward to clear the intake manifold.

Engine To Transmission Fasteners:

40. Separate engine from transaxle.