Valve Body Replace
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.2. Remove TV cable routing clips or straps.
3. Remove bolt securing TV cable to transaxle, pull up on cable cover at transaxle until cable is visible.
4. Remove cable from transaxle link.
5. Remove transaxle case seal.
6. Install engine support tool No. J 28467-A or equivalent, then raise engine enough to take pressure off of engine mounts.
7. Raise and support vehicle.
8. Remove left front wheel and tire assembly.
9. Remove left splash shield, then the pipe expansion bolt from transaxle support assembly.
10. Remove transaxle mount to body bolts.
11. Lower engine/transaxle assembly just enough to be able to remove transaxle mount from bracket.
12. Remove transaxle mount, transaxle support assembly and transaxle support brace from transaxle.
13. Disconnect TCC wires from case connector.
14. Remove valve body cover and gasket.
15. Remove bolt securing TCC solenoid to auxiliary valve body and solenoid.
16. Disconnect TCC wires from pressure switches.
17. Remove bolt securing TV linkage and bracket assembly to valve body.
18. Remove remaining valve body to case cover attaching bolts. When removing valve body from case cover, do not lose six check balls and do not remove green bolt.
19. Remove green bolt and separate auxiliary valve body from valve body.
20. Remove check ball from behind control valve assembly.
21. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Install check ball into valve body, if necessary use Transjel part No. J 36850 or equivalent to hold check bail into place.
b. Torque valve body cover bolts to 124 inch lbs.
c. Torque transaxle mount support brace attaching nuts to 18 ft. lbs.
d. Torque transaxle support assembly attaching bolts to 55 ft. lbs.
e. Torque transaxle mount to transaxle support assembly bolts to 49 ft. lbs.
f. Torque transaxle mount pipe expansion bolt to 41 ft. lbs.