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Warranty - Request for Wholesale Authorization

File In Section: Warranty Administration

Bulletin No.: 82-05-02

Date: May, 1998


Requests for Wholesale Authorization of Warranty Claims; Proper Utilization of Comment Routing Code "H"

All Past, Present, and Future Passenger Cars, Light and Medium Duty Trucks

Attention: Service Managers/Claims Administrators

In conjunction with the introduction of the Dealer Business Center, General Motors introduced a common procedure for obtaining wholesale approval for warranty claims. Claims requiring approval beyond dealership authorization empowerment levels are to be entered via DCS using Comment flouting Code "H". This process allows dealers to enter comments on the "Comment" screen of DCS explaining the reason wholesale authorization is requested. These claims and comments are routed electronically to your District Service Manager for review/approval. The H-routing process has been successfully used by several GM Divisions as a means to expedite the wholesale authorization of warranty claims.

The Comment Routing Code "H" and the Comments screen are available on your DCS system. Routing Codes are explained in the General Motors Claim Processing Manual (Section IV). If you are not familiar with this function, please contact your DOS Vendor.

Claims utilizing routing code "H" should be submitted with any appropriate authorization codes the dealer is empowered to use. All claims requiring authorization must be supported with valid business reasons. These business reasons must be clearly communicated via your H-routed comments for claims requiring wholesale approval. Inbound comments must include information similar to the documentation detailed on the repair order. Additionally, comments must indicate why you are requesting wholesale authorization and the rationale for this request.

In an effort to standardize information contained in H-routed comments, and to further clarify warranty claim submissions, please be guided by the following:

Comments must clearly indicate what wholesale authorization is being requested.

Comments must clearly indicate customer complaint/cause/correction.

Other Labor Hours

Explain the repair steps taken that necessitated OLH. Indicate whether a divisional technical assistance group was involved. Include the TAC case number if applicable. Please note: Involvement of a divisional TAC does not necessarily substantiate a request for OLH.

Excessive Parts

Explain what additional parts were needed. Explain why these parts were necessary. Indicate additional part numbers if space allows.

Excessive Courtesy Transportation

Indicate the number of rental days incurred, the rate per day, and the reason for that number of days. If delays are due to part procurement, indicate part numbers and SPAC or CS0-3 case numbers. Include the dates parts were ordered and the dates parts were received.

Goodwill Requests Beyond Dealer Empowerment Indicate the rationale for an out-of-warranty adjustment. Include the delivery date and any pertinent information, such as the history of previous related repairs.

Prohibited Labor Operations

Explain why it was necessary to use this labor operation to complete warranty repairs.

Comments can contain up to 256 characters (letters/punctuation/spaces). You are encouraged to use abbreviations if necessary in order to allow sufficient space to fully explain your request. Comments must be clear and concise. H-routed warranty claim submissions with incomplete comments will be returned for clarification, and resolution of these warranty claims will be delayed.

As a reminder, all warranty claims are subject to review by General Motors representatives. Dealers should thoroughly review the General Motors Service Policies and Procedures Manual, WINS Claims Processing Manual, as well as Warranty Administration Corporate Bulletins 72-05-09 and 62-05-04 (GMCL Dealers please refer to Home Office Letter 98-005 titled "Summary of Key Service Policies and Procedures and Shop Supervision Requirements"). These documents provide details regarding proper warranty administration, repair order documentation, Dealer Operating Procedures, and GM Dealer empowerment. It is essential that all dealers follow established policies for maintaining dealer records in support of warranty claims.

We are confident that you will find the Comment flouting Code "H" process to be a convenient and effective method to obtain wholesale approvals for warranty claims. Familiarity with this new procedure, coupled with clear and concise H-routed comments, will allow dealers to achieve timely warranty claim review and resolution.