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I/M 240 Repairs - Obtaining Technical Assistance

File in Section: 6E - Engine Fuel & Emission
Bulletin No.: 43-65-06
Date: October, 1994

Obtaining Technical Assistance for Vehicles Requiring VM 240 Repairs

1995 and Prior Passenger Cars and Trucks

To better support dealer technicians involved with repairing vehicles which have failed I/M 240 emissions tests, all divisional Technical Assistance staffs will accept calls from ANY General Motors dealership attempting to repair any of that division's products. Specifically, Technical Assistance engineers will now assist GM dealer technicians with emissions repairs on any of their division's products, regardless of whether the servicing dealership's sales and service agreement covers that product. This will optimize technical support for any GM technician attempting to perform emissions related repairs on a GM product.

This extension of Technical Assistance support does not alter Corporate warranty policy. Submission of claims for warranty reimbursement is allowed only by dealerships selling that vehicle brand.

This policy change is effective immediately, but pertains to I/M 240 emissions system repairs only. Please continue to use your respective divisional centers for all other repairs. All Technical Assistance phone numbers are listed in the General Motors Service Policies and Procedures Manual (Section 5.3).