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Worm Bearing Preload

Fig. 12 Adjuster plug nut removal:

Fig. 4 Adjuster plug removal:

Fig. 13 Adjuster plug alignment mark:

Fig. 14 Stub shaft torque reading:

1. Loosen and remove adjuster plug nut, Fig. 12.
2. Turn adjuster plug clockwise using spanner wrench tool J-7624 or equivalent, Fig. 4, until plug and thrust bearing are firmly bottomed in housing.
3. Scribe an index mark on the housing even with a hole on adjuster plug.
4. Measure back 3/16 - 1/4 inch from first index mark and scribe a second index mark. Fig. 13.
5. Rotate adjuster plug counterclockwise until hole is aligned with second index mark.
6. Install adjuster plug nut, tighten to specifications.
7. Using an inch-pound torque wrench and a 12-point deep socket, measure torque required to turn stub shaft. Take reading with handle of torque wrench near vertical position, Fig. 14. Turn stub shaft to right stop, then back 1/4 turn at an even rate. Record torque reading.
8. Torque reading should be 4-10 inch lbs. If not, adjuster plug may not be tightened properly or may have turned during adjuster plug nut installation. Thrust bearings and races may also be damaged.