Changing Oil
1. Raise vehicle and position drain pan under transmission pan.
2. Remove front and side attaching bolts form the oil pan.
3. Loosen rear attaching bolts approximately four turns.
4. Carefully pry transmission pan loose and allow fluid to drain.
5. Remove rear attaching bolts, pan and pan gasket.
6. Drain remaining fluid from pan, then clean pan and gasket surfaces with solvent and dry with compressed air.
7. Remove transmission screen. Remove O-ring seal from intake pipe or case bore.
8. Replace screen if applicable, or thoroughly clean screen assembly with solvent and dry with compressed air.
9. Install O-ring on intake pipe, then install screen assembly.
10. Install gasket on pan, then install pan and torque attaching bolts to 12 ft. lbs.
11. Lower vehicle and add approximately 5 qts. of Dexron II or Dexron III type transmission fluid through filler tube.
12. Start engine and let run at idle, then with brakes applied move selector lever through each gear range.
13. Place transmission in Park position and check fluid level.