Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Component Tests and General Diagnostics

If external oil leakage is evident, check compressor oil level using the following procedures.
1. Discharge system as outlined, then measure amount of oil collected in discharge container. If more than 1/2 ounce of oil is collected when discharging system, an equal amount of new refrigeration oil must be added to the system.
2. On models with A-6 axial compressor, proceed as follows:
a. Remove compressor and accumulator, drain oil from components into a suitable container and measure amount of oil recovered.
b. If more than 4 ounces are recovered for 1987 models, or 6 ounces for 1988-92 models, add the same amount of new refrigeration oil to system.
c. If less than 4 ounces are recovered for 1987 models, add 4 ounces. If less than 6 ounces are recovered for 1988-93 models, add 6 ounces.
3. On models with R-4 or HR-6 compressors, proceed as follows:
a. Remove accumulator, drain oil remaining in accumulator into a suitable container and measure amount of oil recovered. These compressors do not have an oil sump, therefore it is unnecessary to drain this compressor to check system oil level.
b. If the amount of oil recovered is 3 ounces or more, add the same amount of new refrigeration oil to system.
c. If less than 3 ounces of oil are recovered, add 3 ounces of new refrigeration oil to system.
4. On models with DA-6 axial compressors, proceed as follows:
a. Remove accumulator, drain oil into suitable container, then measure amount of oil recovered.
b. If amount of oil recovered is less than 3 ounces for 1987 models, add 3 ounces to system. If less than 6 ounces are recovered from 1988-89 models, add 6 ounces to system.
c. If amount of oil recovered is more than 3 ounces for 1987 models, or 6 ounces for 1988-89 models, add the same amount to system.
5. Add refrigeration oil, as needed, to compressor sump or accumulator. Reinstall components, then evacuate and recharge system.


Refer to ``A/C System Specifications'' for oil level specifications. The Frigidaire/Delco Air axial 6 cylinder and radial 4 cylinder compressors must be removed from vehicle and drained to check the oil level. Refer to ``Oil Charge'' for service procedures.